Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 1.

Day 1.

The title of this blog is 90 Days is Nothing. It's true. It's a small little blip on my life radar. Today is Day 1 of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. It's a 90 Day body transformation system. I'm excited! 30 minutes a day of intense workout, getting progressively harder each day. I'm going to be blogging daily about how I feel, ho thing are going, likes, dislikes, etc.

Work out number 1: Abs, thighs, front of body, cardio circut.

My first workout! I was so excited! It felt effective while I was doing it. Some parts were really hard, some parts were really easy. I didn't use weights today, my shoulder is still really tender. (Old injury) I will next time I do this work out. I was nervous it would worsen my soreness. This workout was completely do-able. Yeah they were time I felt like I was going to punch Jillian, but overall I liked it a lot.

I didn't do the bicycle sit ups. I can't do that type. I have bad hips from 20+ years of dancing and every time I do bicycle sit ups, it grinds my left hip flexors bad. As in I end up not being able to walk afterwards. I think Jillian would agree no sit up is worth that much pain. ;) I did crossed leg sit ups instead.

I drank all my water today! Actually, more than I needed to! In this 90 day challenge, I've committed to 1 coffee, 1 Diet Coke per day. I'm doing good so far! (Let's face it, no mom of 2 toddlers can realistically go 100% caffeine free overnight. ;)) I'm also focusing on self care.

As I said in my intro post, I have Post Partum Depression (PPD). In order to cope with my insane, crazy life, I need to do better at self care. I own a business, work in my home office/studio office/teach classes at least 40 hour a week and I also stay home all day with my kids. I'm bananas, clearly. To do better at taking time for myself and giving myself a break every now and then, I'm going to make choices that are better for ME. I can't be a good mom, a good teacher, a good wife, a good person if I don't take care of myself. As part of my 90 day challenge, I'm going to read at least 7 new books. I love to read and it's a good way to get time in for myself.

Here goes nothing.



Yeah, that's me, at age 20, playing the "Cat" in "Honk!" Smokin' hot. :)

My name is Kate Undercoffer. I'm a wife, mom of 2 (a 33 month old and a 16 month old) and a business owner. I own a dance studio in a little town in the forest. I've danced my entire life. I love to read, drink coffee and go on road trips.

I'm also fat.

So embarrassing. But, yeah, that's me. March, 2011. 

But not for long!

Here's my story. Both of my babies were born via C-section. I am physically unable to breast feed. You know how some lucky moms say "the weight just FALLS off" by breast feeding? Yeah, never even got to try that one out. I also have post partum depression. I don't "suffer" from it, it's a part of who I am. Suffer makes it sound like a weakness, I'm not weak. I'm a STRONG woman who is surviving PPD. One of my PPD symptoms, unfortunately, is lack of energy, inability to sleep and emotional eating. I'm not making excuses, I'm stating facts. Couple PPD with 2 kids in 2 years, 2 c-sections in 2 years...well I'm just not the Kate I used to be.
7 days before my son, Trace, was born.

But I'm changing.

You see, excuses allow for weakness and like I said...I'm not weak. I'm a strong woman with a beautiful body. I need to release myself from the guilt I've built up about gaining weight and let my strength shine. I am pledging to do better in my choices and my actions.

Want to read on in my journey? Read on, friends.